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GE I 2004 I 100 I Thomas Grube and Enrique Sanchez Lansch

2005 German Film Awards

Best Editing  - Best Documentary 


RHYTHM IS IT! records the first big educational project of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle.

The orchestra ventured out of the ivory tower of high culture into boroughs of low life for the sake of 250 youngsters. They had been strangers to classical music, but after arduous but thrilling preparation they danced to Stravinsky's 'Le Sacre du Printemps' ('The Rite of Spring').

Recorded with a breathtaking fidelity of sound, this film from Thomas Grube and Enrique Sánchez Lansch documents the stages of the Sacre project and offers deep insights into the rehearsals of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.               



Rhythm is it - creativiteit
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Directed by  Thomas Grube,  Enrique Sánchez Lansch
Starring   Simon Rattle,   Royston Maldoom
Cinematography   René Dame,   Marcus Winterbauer
Running time   100 minutes
Country Germany    

Language German - English Subtitle


Rhythm Is It! is a 2004 German documentary film directed by Thomas Grube and Enrique Sánchez Lansch.

The film documents a project undertaken by the Berlin Philharmonic principal conductor Simon Rattle and choreographer Royston Maldoom who decided to popularize classical music by staging a performance of 

Igor Stravinsky's music The Rite of Spring with a cast of 250 children recruited from Berlin's public schools.

In Germany the film was released in theaters in September 2004 and by February 2005 it sold 400,000 tickets.

The film also won several prizes, including two for Best Editing and Best Documentary at the 2005 German Film Awards.

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