White dance
Eva Ingemarsson | 3,49 min
Experiments with different materials, film technology, exposure and distance, to access a kind of fog or
burnout, an effect to reflect another time, place, or another consciousness. Inspired by the artists Tony Oursler and Bill Viola.

Eva Ingemarsson Dance Production is a dance company based in Gothenburg, Sweden, at Atalante, a place for experimental performing arts. The choreographer and artistic director Eva Ingemarsson works with different combinations of artists, dancers, composers and visual artists. Eva Ingemarsson has worked as a choreographer since 1978 and she has collaborate with composer and filmer Niklas Rydén for a long time.
Niklas Rydén is a composer, filmer and artistic director for Atalante and New Opera CO. He conducts work there to develop new forms of musical drama. Niklas Rydén also works a lot with text and film in his art. He has worked closely with several choreographers and artists over the years. www.evaingemarsson.se / www.newopera.se / www.atalante.org